The Big Diabetes Lie


Doctors Reverse Type 2 Diabetes in Three Weeks

The Cold Hard Truth:
Here are some of the Side Effects by living with diabetes and by taking your prescribed medication:
  1. Heart Attack
  2. Stroke
  3. Kidney Failure
  4. Succumbing to Blindness
  5. Amputations
  6. Neuropathy
  7. Hypertension
  8. Nerve System Disease
  9. High Cholesterol
  10. Depression
  11. Falling into Coma
Let's add the side effects from the drugs that are supposed to "help" you:
  1. Hepatitis
  2. Liver Problems
  3. Acidosis leading to death within hours
  4. Increased Risk of Cancer
  5. Weakened Immune System
  6. Vomiting
  7. Nausea
It has been scientifically proven that simply treating diabetes with conventional methods does not stop the disease.

What is the Root Cause of Diabetes
"On February 2015, Scientists and Researchers at the University of California San Diego proved that type 2 diabetes is caused by INFLAMMATION. They discovered that an inflammatory molecule called LTB4 causes insulin resistance. And this leads to high blood sugar and diabetes. 
This is the reason why treating your blood sugar with drugs and injecting insulin to combat insulin sensitivity will never heal your diabetes; because you aren't treating the root cause of diabetes, just the symptoms of it."

A team of doctors, created and directed by Max Sidorov K.N, NLP, V.M, they are the International Council for Truth in Medicine (I CTM) who have used these scientifically proven methods to treat many of their own diabetes patients with huge success. 

A step by step health guide was convened with scientific studies and powerful medical research which was already used and have already helped thousands of type 2 diabetes patients. It is called "The 7 Steps to Health and Big Diabetes Lie."

You will be getting over 500 pages of scientifically proven, doctor verified information that you will not find anywhere else, not even bookstores.

Find out more what you'll discover in the 7 Steps to Health where the methods have been tried and tested which attack the root cause of diabetes. Patients don't have to take any more drugs, inject insulin and worry about terrible complications. 



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